Check our availability

Enter the first part of the postcode of the property to be surveyed and we’ll share our team’s availability. If you’re happy with what you see, submit your client’s details to us.

Please note that our availability checker is only indicative, so give us a call on 0115 671 9634 if you can’t see any availability within the next 10 days. We’ll always endeavour to accommodate your client’s needs whenever possible.

Our survey products

A mortgage valuation is not a survey and is for the lender’s purposes only. A valuation report won’t point out structural problems that your customer may have to pay to fix further down the line.

We provide RICS Level 2 and Level 3 home surveys to help ensure home buyers and property investors can be confident in their property purchases.

RICS Home Survey Level 2

Our Level 2 Home Survey is designed to provide a comprehensive report of a property’s condition highlighting potential issues or defects that may require further inspection or repairs, shown via our traffic light rating system.

Formerly known as RICS HomeBuyer Report.

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RICS Home Survey Level 3

Our Level 3 Home Survey is our most detailed form of inspection, providing a more in-depth commentary on the structure and condition of the property in addition to any potential issues or maintenance.

Formerly known as RICS Building Survey.

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